Increase Your Sexual Knowledge

Secret Sexual Positions by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Ph. D

Everyone knows that the best way to go far in work or even in life is to continuously improve one’s self. This very philosophy should be applied as well to one’s marriage and, more specifically, sex life. Each new day should be considered an opportunity to learn something new or different that would add spice and depth to your lovemaking. If you and your partner constantly work hard to make your love – in all its aspects – grow, strengthen, and deepen then there’s no way you’d ever have to suffer from a sexless marriage.

Tips for Increasing Your Sexual Knowledge

One should always be willing to learn about new things and especially in matters of sex. If you stop being willing to learn and try out new things then sooner or later, what you do in bed will become no more than a routine that you just go through for necessity and not out of mutual pleasure.


New knowledge about sex won’t just fall into your lap for no reason. Most of the time, it has to be something you’ve actively looked for. If you’ve seen or heard something interesting then research and see how you can apply it to your sex life.

Don’t be afraid to talk about sex.

Whether it’s with your partner or other people, you shouldn’t be ashamed to talk about sexual matters. Sex is but a natural part of life and it’s certainly a significant part of your marriage. Communication can go a long way in increasing your sexual satisfaction if you just make the effort to be honest and open about whatever it is that concerns or bothers you.

Take risks.

Exploring the unknown will always seem like a scary risk, but if you don’t take any risks then there’s no possibility that you’ll gain something rewarding either. If your partner feels like enjoying a different kind of sexual intercourse then why not give it a chance? As long as you and your partner share the same goals then taking risks – even if they end up with unwanted consequences – shouldn’t be a problem. You could always try again.

Foreplay doesn’t start with sex.

Foreplay isn’t always sexual in nature. To get your partner in the mood, you can start outside the bedroom. Flirt with your partner. Romance your partner. Seduce him or her in an unexpected location. Do something out of the ordinary to express your desire and attraction.
Believe it or not, but a simple phone call can actually serve as foreplay if you know the right words to say. A look under your lashes can also be enough to seduce your partner to bed if your eyes are speaking the right message.

Recommended Products to Increase Your Sexual Knowledge

Tantric Sex by Kavida Rei

Tantric Sex by Kavida Rei

For those who don’t know, Tantra is an Asian philosophy that mainly focuses on freedom from ignorance and rebirth. If applied to sexual relationships, Tantric practices aim at helping individuals and couples liberate themselves from unwanted sexual restrictions and guiding them step-by-step in achieving ultimate sexual satisfaction.

If sexual inhibitions as well as lack of sexual knowledge and expertise are your greatest problems then Tantric Sex, published by DK Publishing and written by Kavida Rei, is sure to help build your confidence in your skills as well as widening your knowledge, honing your skills, and increasing your repertoire in the sexual department.

The book offers clear and concise step-by-step instructions for a systematic start of applying Tantric practices to your sex life. You learn the importance of meditation and how to use it to improve your sexual prowess. The book also teaches readers how to become more familiar and attuned to their bodies and understand how to best pleasure it…whether on their own or with their chosen partners.

With Tantric Sex, you don’t just gain a new lease on your marriage and sex life but you and your partner also get to benefit from a new and healthier lifestyle.

Secret Sexual Positions by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Ph. D

Secret Sexual Positions by Kenneth Ray Stubbs, Ph. D

If you don’t want a substantial change in your lifestyle and marriage and all you’re looking for is a way to simply rekindle the sexual spark between you and your partner, what you probably need is Kenneth Ray Stubbs’ Secret Sexual Positions.

This book traces the old-as-time origins of sex, exploring both its sacred and pagan roles in history. From page to page, you read – and see – ancient and unknown sexual positions come to life and learn how they provide mutual pleasure.

Also included in the book is the history of Kama Sutra, the most famous book dealing with sexual matters, as well as the interesting relationship between culture and sex.

Kama Sutra

Sex Book - Kama Sutra Book

Kama Sutra is widely considered as the ultimate reference for all sexual positions. This ancient Hindu text was first translated by Sir Richard Burton, an Englishman, over a century ago and since then, millions of readers worldwide had benefited from the valuable lessons it had imparted.

Contrary to popular opinion, Kama Sutra is much more than an encyclopedic collection of illustrations of varying sexual positions. This book actually teaches both men and women how to better appreciate their own bodies and sexual intercourse if both of them work hard to give each other mutual pleasure.

With Kama Sutra, couples learn how important it is to give and take and to take into consideration even the smallest of things that could add to sexual stimulation.

The Little (Bit Naughty) Book of Sex Positions

Sex Book - The Little Bit Naughty Book of Sex Positions

Then again, if you’re not in the mood for anything too serious or intellectual about sex positions, just check out The Little (Bit Naughty) Book of Sex Positions, published by Amorata Press.

Readers get to enjoy vivid photos of real-life couples depicting some of the best and most innovative positions that you can use today. Take the time to read the text and you and your partner could enjoy even a bit of humor before you embark on your next sexual adventure.

March 18th, 2016 by